Education of the Pickwickian Blessings · Unbounded Domesticity

Mrs. Pickwick’s Tips for Recommencing Actual Life after a Holiday

Nothing is more exhausting than taking a break from all one’s regular duties, unless it be resuming those duties after the break. School, routines, menu planning, writing, laundry, kitchen maintenance, essentially every part of our lives (with the exception of the small Pickwickian bedtime, which reigns supreme, even over the twelve days of Christmas) has… Continue reading Mrs. Pickwick’s Tips for Recommencing Actual Life after a Holiday

The Wisdom of Fr Pickwick · Unbounded Domesticity

Mrs. Pickwick and the Clocks, Continued

Fr. Pickwick was delighted this week to hear the unprecedented sounds of his family preparing to leave the house over an hour before the time he had appointed for a departure. As the usual (albeit very early) sounds of the scramble for socks, shoes, the correct number of children, etc crashed through the house, he… Continue reading Mrs. Pickwick and the Clocks, Continued