
The Pickwicks Go Forth in Pursuit of Updated Driver’s Licenses

Something happens when I walk out of my front door. I immediately feel transported to an alternate reality, where nothing on my list (which seemed perfectly normal inside my house) is attainable by any human efforts whatsoever. Time also ceases to exist in any kind of earthly sense and I can only plead that when… Continue reading The Pickwicks Go Forth in Pursuit of Updated Driver’s Licenses


In Which the Pickwicks Discuss Finances and Remain Happily Married Nonetheless

After  turning our world, and therefore our household accounts, upside down more than once over the past few months, it was time to pick up the pieces and put the Pickwicks back in order, at least on paper. I therefore present a completely objective and unembellished excerpt from the minutes of the most recent business… Continue reading In Which the Pickwicks Discuss Finances and Remain Happily Married Nonetheless