
Mother’s Day Quintessentials

It’s taken a few years, but the Blessings have Mother’s Day down pat.

Homemade cards:

I try. Really I do.

Thoughtfully gathered bouquet, left in the bathroom for my enjoyment:

About the toothbrush caddy….Um. Seriously. How many kids do we have again, Fr P? And how does no one have a toothbrush at bedtime??

A tidy house means a happy Mrs P! They made sure everything was put away, even the popcorn:

A place for everything and everything in its place.

They decorated:

Nothing says “I love you, dearest of mothers” quite like a spoon tied to a doorknob. Be still my heart.

They even did a little gardening:

Some folks have a green thumb and some don’t. Not everyone can grow bicycles like these. Don’t beat yourself up if all you manage is a roller skate the first year.

Anyone can make one day special. Do the Blessings put all their efforts into a mere once-a-year show of affection and appreciation? Perish the thought. Somehow, with near preternatural strength and ingenuity, they keep this up all year long!

I don’t know how they do it. Sometimes they don’t even seem human.

Happy Mother’s Day, dear ones! May you find a mug for tea this evening that didn’t serve as a bathtub for a calico critter this afternoon.

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