Unbounded Domesticity

Home Economics, or, How to do Everything

Lo, the dread imbalance of domestic chores and projects. I am always short somewhere on the list of things that just really should be done everyday. This week, I have positively nailed the menu plan and we are Not Out Of Food. Healthy snacks, and clean-up each meal. It’s been great. Also, everyone is Very Well Educated. I have read stories out loud, reviewed the alphabet with Baby P, illuminated manuscripts, and even performed a science experiment. I feel so on top of things I have considered changing directions on this blog to inspiring homeschool posts and wholesome recipes. (Ha!)

Except. For. The. Laundry. Why, oh why, can’t I be three-quarters up everything instead of on top of one thing, but buried (in this case, quite literally) under the mountain of the other thing. If I am feeding people, it means that I didn’t make my bed, and if I am making my bed, I am certainly not keeping the kitchen tidy. Sometimes I just wish I could balance it all out a little more: one good meal paired with two mediocre so that I can do half the laundry. But no. It seems to be always or never all or nothing around here.

Next week, I’ll tackle the laundry pile. Everything will be clean, sorted, folded, ironed (just kidding), mended, and put away. I’ll even take bags to the clothing drop box that have been sitting next to the dryer for months. However, the small and industrious young Pickwicks will create one of the seven wonders of the recycle bin in the middle of the kitchen and then play outside in the dirt until they get hungry. At which point, I shall teach them the definition of the word “scavenge” and we will call that homeschool and menu planning for the week.

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